Dual Language Learners

Dual Language LearnersNational ResearchParents and FamiliesPreschool LandscapeProfessional Learning

Oregon’s Fastest Growing Population of Young Students: Dual Language and English Language Learners

According to the Migration Policy Institute, 28 percent of children under the age of 5 in Oregon are dual language learners (DLLs). Since 2000, Oregon’s young DLL population has increased by 32 percent, compared with 24 percent nationally. A recent report by the...

Oregon's Fastest Growing Population of Young Students: Dual Language and English Language Learners
Chronic AbsenceCommunity EngagementDual Language LearnersFeatured ProgramsParents and FamiliesResearch and Evaluation

Interview with public health and early education expert Donalda Dodson

Donalda Dodson, MPH, RN, will receive the Richard C. Alexander Award at the Make It Your Business Luncheon on Thursday, May 18. Ms. Dodson is a pioneer in public health who has dedicated over 40 years to strengthening the health of pregnant women, young children,...