Educators and Workforce
Early Learning as a Strategy for Achieving Equity
The United States is increasingly a nation of extremes with growing wealth and opportunity for some, and declining wealth and opportunity for many others. These stark social and economic inequalities are clearly reflected in how we educate our children. Some...
Yoncalla Strives for Long-Term Change
In the fourth installment of the Early Link Podcast, and the last one for 2016, I visited Yoncalla in Douglas County to learn more about the community, our Early Works initiative, and Yoncalla Elementary's new preschool funded by Oregon's Preschool Promise program....
Supporting the Early Childhood Workforce: Alga’s Story
“Alga, you always had your work prepared to bring to class and you took your academic responsibilities very seriously,” says Yolanda Buenafe, early childhood education instructor in Mt. Hood Community College’s Assistant Teacher Career Pathway program....
Creating an enviable life for all kids: A Q&A with Nancy Anderson, retiring early intervention and special education leader
Nancy Anderson and Early Works partners visit South Shore School in Washington state. Nancy Anderson, who leads Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education services in Multnomah, Hood River, and Wasco counties, is retiring after 40 years helping...
Landscape Analysis of Professional Development Supports for P-3 Alignment in Oregon
This report highlight’s our recently analysis of the P-3 efforts taking place in Oregon. It shines a spotlight on the innovative strategies of early adopters and is helping us gain a better understanding of what is still needed to support effective...
Partnership strengthens preschool in Yoncalla
It’s late morning on a sunny Wednesday in Yoncalla, Oregon and 14 preschoolers are gathered on a colorful alphabet rug. Most are cross-legged, but several are wiggling, struggling to contain their excitement. All eyes are on Jill Cunningham, the Yoncalla library’s...
Growing Healthy Minds
Our newest video highlights the Children's Institute's partnerships with two communities doing amazing work: Lane County and Wallowa County.
2016 MIYB: 4th Alexander Award presented to Wallowa County
At our 8th annual Make It Your Business event, we presented the 2016 Alexander Award to Wallowa County, where Building Healthy Families and the Winding Waters Medical Clinic have formed a unique and effective partnership. The award was accepted by Maria...
Oregon School District Preschool Survey
Children’s Institute conducted a statewide survey of school districts in Oregon in the spring/summer of 2015. We wanted to learn and document what preschool services are being provided, and to inform policy decisions as Oregon implements the new program approved by...
Rural Education in Oregon
This new study, conducted by the Children's Institute and Chalkboard Project, finds that rural Oregon students face the twin challenges of poverty and distance in meeting their education goals. The study examines how rural students perform compared to their peers...