What We’re Reading

Health and Development NewsOregon ResearchWhat We're Reading

Early School Success Leadership Camp 2023

Yesterday, Early School Success teams from four school districts across Oregon met up for a first-of-its-kind leadership camp hosted by Children's Institute. Throughout the day, educators and administrators explored methods for creating change at the school and district levels while examining perspectives on identity, collaboration, and psychological safety. Together, these dedicated early education professionals are reshaping their school communities to make a positive impact on children. Read the full story to learn more.

This image shows a room filled with educators in the CI Early School Success programs across Oregon.
Benefits of PreschoolFeatured ProgramsPreschoolWhat We're Reading Equity

What We’re Reading: Preschool for All

What if there were a way to connect every 3- and 4-year-old in Multnomah County to free, inclusive, culturally responsive preschool experiences? This inspiring goal is coming to life through Preschool for All, a program built through long-term community engagement with parents, educators, policymakers, organizations and early childhood specialists. In just one year, Preschool for All has made the dream of preschool possible for more than 700 children at 47 sites in 16 zip codes across Multnomah County.

This image shows a black and white photo of a group of children sitting and holding books over their faces. The text says "What We're Reading"
NewsWhat We're ReadingResearch and EvaluationEarly School Success

Using a Social Determinants of Early Learning Framework to Eliminate Educational Disparities

In a recent publication from the Foundation for Child Development, Iheoma Iruka, PhD authored a chapter on the social determinants of early learning as a framework for eliminating educational disparities. In her writing, she discusses the entrenched nature of the achievement gap as “one of the greatest social problems in the US.”

WWR - Social Determinants of Early Learning
What We're ReadingFederal PolicyNational Research NewsOregon PolicyOregon ResearchPolicy TrendsPreschoolPreschool LandscapeCOVID-19 Equity

2020 NIEER Report: Federal/State Partnership Needed to Expand High-Quality, Full-Day Preschool

As expected, the COVID-19 pandemic set back state preschool enrollment and funding across the country, according to the 2020 edition of The State of Preschool Yearbook by the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) at the Rutgers Graduate School of...