Research and Evaluation
The Foster Care Fix: Invest in the Services Proven to Keep Kids in Their Homes
Guest Column by Leslie Brown, Program Director, Children's Relief Nursery at LifeWorks NW Oregon’s Child Welfare System needs help. Our system for reporting abuse and neglect can be confusing, we do not have enough foster families or child welfare workers, and...
Answers to Four Questions About Early Head Start
This a brief explainer about Early Head Start and what it looks like in Oregon for those who are not familiar with the program or understand its place in the network of early childhood services and supports.
A brief explanation of ACEs – Adverse Childhood Experiences
Reporting contributed by Niki Reading The idea that early childhood experiences help shape the trajectory of a person’s life—in both positive and negative ways—makes intuitive sense to most. But thanks to pioneering research and advocacy in the field of childhood...
Oregon’s Infant-Toddler Care Dilemma: Providing Quality Care at an Affordable Cost
Imagine you’re an Oregonian earning a median-level household income of $78,683 a year. Let’s also imagine you’ve just become a new parent and are researching infant-toddler care options in advance of your planned return to work. Do you choose a child care option...
Oregon’s Child Care Crisis
To solve its child care crisis, Oregon must build an affordable, high-quality child care system that keeps children safe and supports their brain development.
Early Head Start May Prevent Child Abuse
Participation in Early Head Start (EHS) can help prevent child abuse and other maltreatment, as well as support other positive long-term family stability outcomes. That’s according to a study published in Child Trends this month, which linked EHS enrollment data to...
Helping Incarcerated Parents Build Bonds With Their Children: A CI Twitter Chat
Following the publication of our two-part story on two programs serving mothers at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility and the mothers who have benefited, we convened a panel of national experts to take a broader view of the issues facing incarcerated parents around...
In Early Works, Data Empowers Parents to be Key Decision Makers
For our 23rd segment, we interviewed Dr. Marina Merrill from Children’s Institute (CI) and Dr. Beth Green from Portland State University (PSU). Dr. Merrill is the senior research and policy advisor for CI and leads the organization’s research on prenatal through...
Oregon’s Fastest Growing Population of Young Students: Dual Language and English Language Learners
According to the Migration Policy Institute, 28 percent of children under the age of 5 in Oregon are dual language learners (DLLs). Since 2000, Oregon’s young DLL population has increased by 32 percent, compared with 24 percent nationally. A recent report by the...
Making the Case for Early Education
Only 42 percent of 3- and 4-year-olds in Oregon are enrolled in early education. If you’re unaware of the benefits of high-quality early education, you might be inclined to believe that the remaining 58 percent of children in our state, who don’t begin attending...