Policy Trends
Discussing Oregon’s Preschool Landscape with Swati Adarkar
Children’s Institute is excited to introduce the first installment of the Early Link Podcast, featuring an interview with our president and CEO, Swati Adarkar. Focused on Oregon’s early learning system and the state’s new preschool program called Preschool Promise,...
Why This CCO Makes K-Readiness a Priority
Peg King at Health Share’s downtown offices. Peg King leads Health Share of Oregon’s kindergarten readiness programming. Health Share is the largest Coordinated Care Organization in Oregon, serving approximately 25 percent of the state’s Medicaid patients. It is...
Preschool Promise: High-Quality Preschool for More Oregon Kids
Passed by the 2015 Legislature, we are excited that Preschool Promise will begin serving 1,300 children from low-income families in September. The program opens the door to diverse high-quality preschool providers and gives families the opportunity to choose the...
Landscape Analysis of Professional Development Supports for P-3 Alignment in Oregon
This report highlight’s our recently analysis of the P-3 efforts taking place in Oregon. It shines a spotlight on the innovative strategies of early adopters and is helping us gain a better understanding of what is still needed to support effective...
Oregon School District Preschool Survey
Children’s Institute conducted a statewide survey of school districts in Oregon in the spring/summer of 2015. We wanted to learn and document what preschool services are being provided, and to inform policy decisions as Oregon implements the new program approved by...
Take Action: Keeping the Promise
In 2015, the Oregon Legislature made a promise to Oregon's children. They invested in Preschool Promise, a program that will provide high-quality preschool to more than 1,000 kids from low-income families. This critical investment is now being...
The 2016 legislative session: continuing to work for Oregon’s underserved children
Oregon's 2016 legislative session begins on February 1 and the Children's Institute is already meeting with legislators and attending hearings to discuss issues impacting Oregon’s at-risk young children and families. We have developed an advocacy platform built on...
Advancing Birth-to-Third-Grade Success
The Ready for School Leaders’ Panel and the Children’s Institute are poised to make a significant impact for Oregon’s youngest and most vulnerable children in the 2015 Legislative Session. Advancing Birth-to-Third-Grade Success, our 2015 policy brief, makes the...
Showing Up, Staying In
In its new report “Showing Up, Staying In,” the Children’s Institute calls for swift and meaningful action from the state of Oregon to combat chronic absence in all grades, but in particular the early grades starting with kindergarten. Read Report...
Building Blocks
Building Blocks looks at how two Oregon school districts, Pendleton and David Douglas, passed bonds that included financing for high-quality early learning facilities. A key finding of the report is that early learning sells. Read Report...