Health and Development
Earl Boyles Elementary Engages Parents From Linguistically Diverse Communities
Over the past few weeks, we have examined on our blog and podcast the challenges and opportunities of educating dual language and English language learners and highlighted the dual language Preschool Promise classes offered at Echo Shaw Elementary...
Oregon’s Fastest Growing Population of Young Students: Dual Language and English Language Learners
According to the Migration Policy Institute, 28 percent of children under the age of 5 in Oregon are dual language learners (DLLs). Since 2000, Oregon’s young DLL population has increased by 32 percent, compared with 24 percent nationally. A recent report by the...
Early Childhood Advocacy Day 2018
Kelli Stevens speaks with House Speaker Kotek about Preschool Promise. Kelli Stevens, a mother with three children ages 5, 3, and 1, made the two-hour trip from her home in Yoncalla to the state capitol in Salem on Monday to join a coalition of early childhood...
A Vision for Early Learning in Oregon with Miriam Calderon
Miriam Calderon is the early learning system director of the Early Learning Division in the Oregon Department of Education. Before returning to Oregon in 2017 to lead the division, she helped build a birth-to-three system and universal preschool for the District of...
Pay For Early Childhood Educators and Childcare Providers
How do we recognize preschool teachers and childcare providers for the important work they do without further raising the cost of high-quality childcare and preschool? We want to hear what you think! Join us and the Oregon Head Start Association for a Twitter chat...
Brain Development Series, Part I
Scientists and parents know that young children’s brain development is critically important—and researchers learn more every day. Children experience their most profound cognitive, social, and emotional growth in the first eight years of life. Children’s Institute...
A Look at the News on Housing in Oregon
The housing crisis is impacting communities across the state of Oregon. Multnomah County reported last week that 80 people impacted by homelessness died on the streets of Portland in 2016. Meanwhile rural Oregon is experiencing its worst housing crisis in a...
30 Book Recommendations for Kids and Adults from CI Staff
Here at Children’s Institute, we’re passionate about young kids, and the research and policies that support their health and education. Not surprisingly then, we have holiday book recommendations for both the children and the health and early education advocates on...
The Importance of Early Literacy
This week’s visit by the Children’s Book Bank to the Early Works preschool program at Earl Boyles is a good reminder of how important early reading is to young children. Consider that: Eighty percent of child’s brain develops by age 3. Reading to young children can...
New Report Highlights Challenges Facing Children in Immigrant Families
We know that high-quality early education improves long-term outcomes for kids, and yet only 59 percent of American children from immigrant families aged three to five are enrolled in preschool.These children—the vast majority of whom are themselves US...