Landscape Analysis of Professional Development Supports for P-3 Alignment in Oregon

Landscape Analysis of Professional Development Supports for P-3 Alignment in Oregon

Landscape Analysis of Professional Development Supports for P-3 Alignment in OregonThis report highlight’s our recently analysis of the P-3 efforts taking place in Oregon. It shines a spotlight on the innovative strategies of early adopters and is helping us gain a better understanding of what is still needed to support effective implementation. Working with an external consultant, we interviewed more than 40 stakeholders to deepen our understanding of how Oregon can build upon and strengthen its current efforts to connect early learning and the early grades.

This is just the first step in our journey toward establishing a comprehensive, high-quality prenatal through third grade early learning system in Oregon. While we were heartened by the innovative strategies being implemented by early adopters, we know that vision without resources and support will not yield results for children and families. The Children’s Institute will use what we’ve learned to guide our policy and practice work over the next 3-5 years.

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Good Health = Great Kids

Good Health = Great Kids

Good Health = Great KidsChildren’s Institute releases its latest policy brief about the importance of early childhood health and development in improving school readiness and building a foundation for third-grade achievement. When children aren’t healthy, they have difficulty learning. Children’s Institute champions early investment in low-income children and children of color as a way to improve lifelong health and education success.

We hope this report inspires leaders and partners who share our vision of giving more children a strong start in life to join us in calling for ongoing investment in good health and strong families.

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2016 MIYB: 4th Alexander Award presented to Wallowa County

2016 MIYB: 4th Alexander Award presented to Wallowa County

At our 8th annual Make It Your Business event, we presented the 2016 Alexander Award to Wallowa County, where Building Healthy Families and the Winding Waters Medical Clinic have formed a unique and effective partnership. The award was accepted by Maria Weer of Building Healthy Families and Elizabeth Powers, M.D. of Winding Waters Medical Clinic.


2016 MIYB: Keynote Address by Dr. Dana Suskind

2016 MIYB: Keynote Address by Dr. Dana Suskind

Dr. Dana Suskind is a national expert on early language development and co-author of Thirty Million Words: Building a Child’s Brain.

At the Children’s Institute’s 2016 Make It Your Business event, she inspired the audience with neuroscience showing that the first three years are the foundation for the rest of a child’s life. She also shared her work to close the word gap by supporting families to talk to their babies.