Podcast: Hadiyah Miller, Black Child Development PDX

Podcast: Hadiyah Miller, Black Child Development PDX

In this week’s episode, host Rafael Otto speaks with Hadiyah Miller, president of the Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children (ORAEYC) and chairperson of Black Child Development PDX, about combating the expulsion and suspension of Black children in early learning.


Hadiyah Miller is the current president of the ORAEYC and works as the African American Family Childcare Network Coordinator at Childcare Resource and Referral of Multnomah County. She also serves as the early childhood chair of Black Child Development PDX.  

Summary Miller shares how Black Child Development PDX connects community members, Black leaders, and allies to change outcomes for young Black children in Portland. She explains that its present focus is on preventing the expulsion and suspension of Black children in early learning. This work is being done by elevating the Black experience and Black voices in the Legislature, and by helping teachers to identify and fight implicit bias so they can begin to shift how they respond to Black children. 


Research has shown that Black children make up 18 percent of preschoolers, but make up nearly half of all out-of-school suspensions. Different standards exist in schools for white children, and implicit bias plays a role in teachers responses to the actions of Black children.

Kids who are suspended or expelled from school are more likely to drop out, and those dropouts are more likely to end up with criminal records. This is known as the “school-to-prison pipeline.”

Get Involved

ORAEYC will be hosting two different communities of practices starting in December 2020. These events will be open to anyone who is interested in this relationship-based learning experience focused on equity and social justice. To learn more, visit their page here.

Podcast: Jax Richards, Safeguard Youth

Podcast: Jax Richards, Safeguard Youth

In this week’s episode, host Rafael Otto talks with Jax Richards, the president and founder of Safeguard Youth, about Oregon’s child welfare system.


Jax Richards is an economics and public policy student at Oregon State University. In 2019 he started Safeguard Youth with the mission to provide a platform for foster youth and survivors of child abuse to advocate for a higher quality child welfare system.


In April, A Better Childhood, a national advocacy group, and Disability Rights Oregon filed a lawsuit against the Oregon Department of Human Services, alleging the agency revictimizes children in its foster care system and has failed to address documented problems for at least a decade.

The lawsuit paints a picture of a system that, through its dysfunction, further traumatizes children who were taken from their families on the premise that the state would better care for them. There are 10 plaintiffs with stories ranging from being forced to stay in refurbished jail cells, to being drugged to gain compliance without consent.

Since 2006, the state has paid $39 million in legal settlements over allegations of abuse and neglect.

Additional Resources:

Horrific failures of Oregon foster care system called out in new federal lawsuit

Tensions flare at explosive hearing over Oregon foster care

Oregon officials want to seal off much of federal child welfare lawsuit from public view


Transcript has been edited for length and clarity.

Rafael Otto: Welcome to The Early Link podcast. I’m Rafael Otto. I’m talking with Jax Richards, president and founder of a fairly new nonprofit organization called Safeguard Youth. Safeguard Youth is a student-sponsored and youth-led organization that began at Oregon State University. Its mission is to provide a platform for foster youth and survivors of child abuse to advocate for a higher quality child welfare system. Jax, it’s great to have you on the podcast today.

Jax Richards: It’s great to be here. Thank you for having me.

RO: I wanted to start with your opinion of Oregon’s child welfare system. It’s received significant criticism in recent years and has been described as dysfunctional. How would you describe Oregon’s child welfare system today?

JR: The biggest thing I’d describe it as is unknown, just because you’re right, it is dysfunctional. It is something that has received a ton of criticism. It’s something that has significant problems that need to be addressed, but those problems can not be properly addressed unless people really know about the issue. And the super-majority of Americans weren’t abused as children and have never been in foster care. So a lot of people don’t even pay any attention to it. And that’s one of the biggest obstacles facing the system today.

RO: How would you describe how the child welfare system is working for children under the age of eight? I believe there are a larger number of kids, eight and under or five and under, in the child welfare system compared to older kids. So what does that look like for young children?

JR: It’s very difficult both within the system and outside the system. Because if you look at kids under the age of eight within child welfare, that’s over 50% of the population of foster kids: under the age of eight. And it’s something that’s very difficult to address because these kids have more needs than your average teenager. And they’ve been through some very hard experiences. You have to clothe them, you have to feed them, you have to educate them. You have to cater to their mental wellness in addition to all of this. And it’s something that’s simply not being adequately addressed within the current system and even expanding down.. if you want to get down to the age of toddlers and infants, even kids under the age of one, make up approximately 11% of Oregon child welfare system, and those infants obviously have a high demand of things that need to be done for them, such as changing them and taking care of them and properly just being around and showing connection. And that’s something that’s not adequately being done right now.

RO: One of the things we talk about in our arena of early childhood is that, you know, those years from birth through age five are tremendous… a time when the brain is growing and the environment that a child grows up in is really so important.

JR: Yeah. That really healthy environment, and that psychological connection to parents and family, and just having a strong social community can make the difference in a child’s life. And when you take a child out of that environment, even if it’s not healthy, and put them in another environment, that more or less is not going to give them any kind of social connection, it’s just going to damage them. And you can give them all the counseling in the world, it’s something that will permanently be a scar on them.

RO: I have the information about how frequently children are moving when they’re in the foster care system.

JR: It’s difficult to say, and it depends on the child. Something that’s very interesting within the child welfare system, is it very disproportionally impacts minority and marginalized communities, specifically members of the Black community and members of the LGBTQ+ community. And those children that identify with those communities actually get moved around significantly more than your straight white child. And it varies child to child. There have been kids that have been moved around over a dozen times, and there are kids that have found one spot and been able to stay there.

RO: Do you have a sense for why Black children and LGBTQ children are moving more frequently? Do you have information on why that might be the case?

JR: Well, it varies depending on the demographic. Within the African American community… t’s actually very interesting. Federal studies have indicated that race does not play a factor in the abuse rates of children. African American children are just taken more from their homes and put into foster care because of the systematic racism that has played into the structure of that system.

RO: Right.

JR: And if you look at foster parents, or foster facilities or people that would take in these children, typically they are predominantly middle-aged to older-age Caucasians. And it’s something where part of it is a cultural element where African Americans obviously have a different culture that they are used to and a different way of life. And that’s not something to be shunned… that’s something that should be supported and something that should be championed and advocated, but it’s not currently the case in the current child welfare system, which is very traditional. Especially as you start to get into Southern and Eastern Oregon specifically.

RO: Tell me about why you’re passionate about improving the foster care and child welfare system.

JR: I have a long personal story that I could get into, but the gist of it is, I was born in a house where we had to choose between electricity and running water because we couldn’t afford both. And my mother, God bless her heart, she worked 60, 70, 80 hour weeks. But on the other end of that, my father was and still is a career criminal and abusive sociopath. I was subjected to some very inappropriate, very harmful behavior at a very young age, starting at as young as three or four. And that’s something where it stuck with me to this day. And I’ve been put in situations, with my father specifically, where I have been starved and I have had to go to the streets to find food. And it’s something where I’ve been told the system was contacted because of what was happening to me, but there was no follow-up, or I was never properly or thoroughly investigated. And while I’m not a foster child or have ever been a foster child myself, it’s something that… we’re talking about the most vulnerable population that our country and our state has to offer. And people just don’t seem to care about it.

RO: I appreciate you sharing that. And I admire your efforts to raise awareness on this issue. I know you’ve got a tremendous amount on your plate. You’re in school, you’re double majoring in economics and social public policy at Oregon State. Did I get that right?

JR: Yes.

RO: Okay. And on top of that, you are the founder of this relatively new nonprofit that you started last year, Safeguard Youth. And you’ve gotten that off the ground. Tell me a little bit about the organization and what’s driving your sense of urgency.

JR: Safeguard Youth started my fall term at Oregon State. I had to write a final essay for one of my writing honors classes. The topic was a policy essay, and I decided to do it on Oregon’s foster care system, just kind of out of the blue. I thought it was a good topic and not a topic a lot of people would pick. And as I started researching throughout the night and eventually pulling this whole all-nighter into writing this paper, because it was inevitably due the next day, I realized that our system is almost entirely broken. And it was very disheartening to see how many kids have been permanently damaged either physically or psychologically by not just the system’s lack of doing something, but the system even trying to do something. And that’s kind of what inspired me to start this organization. From there, I was working a job on the side, so I took some of my pocket money and I registered the name, a domain name. And from there, I got a couple of students at Oregon State and we registered as a corporation and then we turned it into 501c3 nonprofit. And then we started recruiting kids from Portland to Florence start kind of raising awareness of this.

RO: And so you’ve got kids involved in your network.

JR: Right now… we started in December, and I would like to note that a global pandemic started in March. So right now we have about 50 youth from Portland to Florence as young as eighth grade and as old as graduate students who were all really excited to get involved coming the next academic year. And I kind of told everyone to take this summer and do what you need to do because obviously a lot is going on right now. But we’re really excited to start back in the fall and connect and recruit and fundraise and come the 2021 legislative session, we’re hoping to make a big difference.

RO: Now I know that you’ve had a chance to testify, this past February, in front of the Oregon Senate committee. Tell me what that experience was like. You were talking about Safeguard Youth and the need to improve many, many aspects of the foster care system. Tell me what that testimony experience was like.

JR: Because Oregon State is in Corvallis, I actually initially met with Senator Gelser who’s the chairwoman of the Health and Human Services Senate committee. And I initially met with her and talked to her about the nonprofit, and she invited me to testify. I came and testified, and it actually happened the same day as the Senate Republican walkout for the climate change cap and trade bill. So it was a very interesting day to be at the Capitol…

RO: A challenging time to be at the Capitol!

JR: A very challenging time. And it’s something where I learned a couple of things. The first thing was… when I was actually testifying, I started to tear up, and I believe you can see that in the video, because that was the first time that anybody with any kind of legitimate power or policy experience had begun to listen to my story, and my voice, and my experiences with childhood abuse. And that’s something that was incredibly powerful for me.

RO: Gelser has emerged as a champion. Are there others that you’re looking to in the legislature?

JR: There were a couple, and we’re still going through right now. We have a policy division, where we have students, typically are political science students at various universities looking to get involved, and we have them work with their legislators. And I’m not going to name any names right now, just because a lot of it is still very preliminary, but we are currently looking at Gelser in the Senate. And then we’re looking at a couple Democrats and Republicans in the House to kind of help champion some of this reform as we start to go through.

RO: I wish you luck in prep for 2021. I know that’s a lot of work. I did want to ask you about the… there’s the federal lawsuit filed on behalf of 10 plaintiffs, all children who have suffered from what seems plainly to be a broken child welfare system. The state’s audit has revealed many, many issues: high loads for caseworkers, systemic separation of siblings, many other inappropriate settings. It would take more time than we have on this podcast to discuss each of those problems, but I’m wondering how you’re tracking on all of these issues and what you’re seeing. How do you describe that? And I guess the second part to that is what do you feel is the… where do things need to go? What’s the solution?

JR: Well, I think the first solution, the first step in this major solution, is what we’re doing right now. Part of the reason I started Safeguard Youth is because if you look at the current system, if you look at who particularly the Governor has appointed to a lot of these child welfare foster committees, it’s doctors, it’s lawyers, it’s judges, it’s prestigious policymakers. And those people are incredibly important in finding some kind of solution. But statistically speaking, none of those people have ever been in foster care or have ever experienced childhood abuse. And I’m not saying that some of them haven’t…

RO: Sure.

JR: These are people that cannot connect to the experiences that they are trying to address. And when you talk to foster kids, and when you talk to victims of childhood abuse, they have their own ideas and they’ve seen firsthand what can be done. And it’s something where these voices are simply not making it into the current conversation, the room where it happens, so to speak. And it’s something that needs to happen. That’s what we’re working to do. And as far as the lawsuit goes, the biggest thing I’ll just say about that is to anyone listening, just Google “Oregon child welfare lawsuit” and read some of the cases and some of the stories about the plaintiffs that have come forward. We’re talking people like a nine-year-old girl who was sent to an out of state facility where she didn’t have contact with a case worker or her family, and she was restrained and drugged. Or a 17-year-old Native American boy who had moved foster facilities more than a couple dozen times.

RO: Right.

JR: Where these stories are horrific, they’re hurting.

RO: They’re heartbreaking.

JR: It’s devastating to read and to listen, but it’s something that people need to read and to listen to, because they’re only going to keep happening if people don’t give it attention.

RO: When you think about the amount of coverage that’s taken place around the child welfare system and the foster care system, there has been some pretty good coverage, I think, in the media.There’s been a number of stories in the Oregonian. Is there, from your point of view, a story that needs to be told that’s still out there? What needs to be covered right now?

JR: I think one of the biggest narratives that people can learn is kind of the very nature of child maltreatment as it stands, where a lot of people, when I say child abuse, think of the drunkard father coming home and taking off his belt and beating his kids. That does happen. Also, what a lot of people think of is like the pedophile who kidnaps a kid in a white van, and that does happen. But statistically speaking, those cases or case studies are less than 15% of all child abuse or child neglect cases being reported. Child maltreatment is much more vast than that. It’s kids that aren’t having their sexuality accepted by their parents. It’s kids who don’t have proper transportation to get to their education facilities so they can learn. It’s kids that aren’t being fed. It’s kids that overall are just not having a good quality of life. Federally, almost 80% of child maltreatment cases, or kids in foster care, experienced some form of neglect where it’s not so much [that a caregiver is] actively trying to hurt the kid. It’s the kid is not getting what he or she needs. And that’s something where sometimes it isn’t the parent’s fault. Oftentimes I’ve heard stories where parents can be working as hard as they can, but, you know, they just can’t get food on the table that night. And that is considered child abuse. And that’s not the parent’s fault. It’s more of a systematic problem. And I would say, as far as the narrative the media pushes… a lot of people, especially recently, there’s been some Netflix documentaries and reporting on the news where you heard stories about these kids dying from horrific beatings, and that is horrible. And that is a huge part of the conversation. But another part of the conversation that doesn’t get nearly as much attention as just that there are kids still dying and that there are kids still suffering, but nobody is taking an active role in that suffering, so to speak.

RO: You’ve touched on this a number of times. You’re looking at the issues many different ways. You’re looking at sort of what’s happening in the home environments of kids, individual level, environmental concerns, physical, emotional abuse, those kinds of things. But you also have a systemic lens on things recognizing that our systems are also affecting the dynamics that are happening in the family and influencing the environments that children are raised in. Could you say more about that?

JR: Something that’s been a topic of question recently has been school guidance counselors and school social workers, and school nurses, where the ACLU has actually been pushing this pretty hard lately. But when a kid goes to school, it’s something that should be a phenomenal environment for them, where that kid should be able to access food. They should be able to access water. They should be able to access resources and people that are willing to help and willing to improve their lives. But if you look at the demographics today and what federal organizations recommend these schools have, many of these schools aren’t being properly funded. And a lot of these schools therefore cut social workers, and guidance counselors, and nurses. And it’s something that every school in America has a cop to protect them from school shootings. But, you know, it’s something where people should be paying attention more to how the students are being treated within the school. And it’s something where that’s just a small example of the systematic issues we’re talking about. And I could go back and talk about one of the biggest things I’ve actually been saying to everyone: a lot of these policymakers, on the local, state, and federal levels, don’t often address child abuse properly, if at all, just because they never had to live through those experiences. And that’s something that is kind of just swept under the rug, because nobody pays it much attention anymore.

RO: Do you see an opportunity given everything that’s been happening in our society? I know that we’ve got COVID and the pandemic, and we also have many instances of police brutality, and more and more people are really trying to talk about racial justice and the racial inequities in our society. But in all of our systems. It’s kind of bubbling up everywhere we turn. And it’s an important discussion. How are you thinking about things like taking an anti-racist position when you think about changes to the child welfare system or to the foster care system?

JR: Well, we absolutely have taken an anti-racist position. Something that I started as soon as Safeguard Youth was started, literally within a week of starting it, I realized that, while I have my own experiences with childhood abuse, I can’t relate to everything because I haven’t been discriminated against because of the color of my skin, or because of my sexuality. And it’s something where then we started to include more people in the conversation very early on. Safeguard Youth started what we call community caucuses, where we have Indigenous persons, Black affairs, LBGTQ+ affairs, Latinx affairs… where all of these, divisions, or departments, are led by members of those identifying communities. And they’re specifically to provide a platform to make sure their voices don’t get lost in that process. And recently we’ve been working to recruit specifically more African American and Black youth to kind of partake in this program just because they are disproportionately represented within the child welfare system. And it is something that… when I say the child welfare system, a lot of people think of foster care. And foster care is a large portion of what I’m talking about. But, you know, we’re looking to education, we’re looking to social programs, we’re looking to everything because it’s all interconnected. It is all part of a system. And if a kid has a negative experience in one place and then is neglected and another, both systems need to be addressed.

RO: When you look to 2021, what are your goals? Are you looking for investment? Are you looking for policy changes? What are you working on?

JR: We’re looking for a little bit of everything. And what I mean by that is I don’t like setting the bar too low. And I also don’t like restricting ourselves and where we’re going. When I started, I thought this was only going to be an advocacy and policy based nonprofit. But recently we’ve recruited some individuals who want to start doing trauma workshops at different universities, and I think that’s a great idea. And we’ve had them kind of spearhead that, and I haven’t been too much focused on that. But something I love about our organization it is that it is entirely youth-led where a lot of nonprofits go back to this narrative of like… you look at a bunch of child-based nonprofits where a lot of these people are 30, 40, 50 year veterans in the system. And a lot of them come from upper middle class, white families. And it’s something where statistically speaking, they probably haven’t encountered child abuse. And I’m not saying they shouldn’t help. They absolutely should help. But this is now a question of providing a microphone, providing a platform and providing a voice to the people that most need to be heard. And those most vulnerable communities within the foster care communities.

RO: Really elevating the youth experience and, and those with lived experience. Right?

JR: Exactly. And it’s something where we are youth-led and we may be a little immature, so to speak, but we provide great experience for youth because at the end of the day, we are a legitimate 501c3 nonprofit, and they have a 19-year-old as their director, and that’s me. And then we have a 20-year-old as one of our communications directors, when we have a 15-year-old as another one of our communications directors. And we have a team of students studying finance at OSU and U of O becoming our fundraising and financing team. And it’s something where we’re a bit dysfunctional, I’ll admit, but I love it because it’s genuine. And it shows how much that youth voices actually want to be heard. And they care about being heard. And it’s something we’re looking into 2021, something I’m proud to have started engaging in is talking with DHS and a ton of other nonprofits. And everyone I’ve heard, or everyone I’ve talked to loves our idea of providing this kind of youth voice. And looking to 2021, I’m just excited to kind of see what happens. And we’re going to go to the legislature and we’re going to work with various departments. And I don’t have a dead-set goal of what we want yet, but something I do want to address specifically is… especially with all the conversations going around, I think it’s very important we address the impacts on minority and marginalized communities, and that’s one of our top priorities going forward. And I’m not exactly sure how that’s going to be addressed yet, but that’s something I’m also okay with. Because the biggest goal I have is just to get youth to the table and get youth voices heard.

RO: I’d say it’s absolutely a worthwhile goal, so I applaud your efforts. I am curious though, Jax: how do you keep from just being overwhelmed by the amount of work that you have on your plate and the size and scope of the problem? And what keeps you motivated?

JR: I mean, that’s a question I actually get quite a bit. I will say a little more about me. Right now, I’m going into my summer… what would be like my technical summer of college. But I’m running this nonprofit, I’m currently working two jobs. I’m taking another 19 credit hours. And it’s something where… it’s a lot of work. It really is. But it’s work that I feel is necessary to do when I love every second of it, because it’s something that for every five or ten hours of grueling research or advocacy or designing or anything, relating to the nonprofit, it’s a reward in and of itself because it’s worth it for every kid I connect to that says, “I’ve been looking for something like this, all of my life.” And for every kid that I talk to that says, “I’ve been waiting to have my voice heard.” Because there are so many kids out there that just haven’t had their voices heard.

RO: If people are interested in learning more about your organization, about your work, and getting involved somehow… adults or youth… how can they do that?

JR: You can go to our website, SafeguardYouth.com. It’s a pretty basic website at the moment. You can sign up for our newsletter. You can contact one of us about getting involved in a position. And we have a variety of departments and positions that are constantly recruiting and constantly looking for new voices, from communications to finance, to fundraising to event planning. That’s where you can get involved.

RO: Okay. That sounds great. Jax, I really appreciate your time. And thank you so much for joining me today.

JR: Of course. Thank you for having me.

Podcast: BLM Organizer La Mikia Castillo on Systemic Change and Dismantling Racism

Podcast: BLM Organizer La Mikia Castillo on Systemic Change and Dismantling Racism

In this week’s episode, host Rafael Otto talks with La Mikia Castillo, a Black Lives Matter activist and community organizer, about what it looks like to dismantle systemic racism.  


La Mikia Castillo is an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California Sol Price School of Public Policy, a diversity, equity and inclusion consultant and an organizer with Black Lives Matter, Los Angeles.


Castillo clarifies the message around defunding the police and shares how we can start to reimagine a new idea of safety. She also explains the ways in which systemic racism has impacted the health and education of Black children and children of color and what it will take to see real change in these institutions. Finally, Castillo shares her idea of what a world free of racism would look like for her and her son.


Please visit our Racial Equity Resources for Early Childhood page for more information on racial justice and equity issues that connect to early childhood. It is not comprehensive, but will be updated regularly.

Podcast: Tabatha Rosproy, First Early Childhood Educator Named National Teacher of the Year

Podcast: Tabatha Rosproy, First Early Childhood Educator Named National Teacher of the Year

In this week’s episode, host Rafael Otto speaks with Tabatha Rosproy, the first early childhood educator to be named National Teacher of the Year.


Tabatha Rosproy, a 10-year veteran Kansas teacher, is the first early childhood educator to be named National Teacher of the Year. She teaches preschool for Winfield Early Learning Center (WELC) in Winfield, Kansas. Housed in Cumbernauld Village, a local retirement community and nursing home, her inclusive classroom is an inter-generational program that provides preschoolers and residents with multiple daily interactions and serves special education and typically developing preschoolers in a full-day setting. She also served as a co-chair of the educator task force that helped compile Kansas’s continuous learning guidance for how to approach distance learning during COVID-19.


Rosproy shares her experience with engaging families in student learning and highlights the necessity of a partnership between teachers and caregivers for student success. She also talks about the importance of keeping students connected to one another during distance learning. As Tabatha looks towards the next year, she discusses her plans to use her new platform to advocate for early learning educators across the country.

Podcast: Janice Lewis on Distance Learning for Preschoolers

Podcast: Janice Lewis on Distance Learning for Preschoolers

In this week’s episode, host Rafael Otto talks with veteran teacher Janice Lewis about what it means to provide distance learning for preschoolers.


Janice Lewis is a preschool teacher at Vose Elementary in the Beaverton School District.


Distance Learning for All, a campaign from the Oregon Department of Education,  officially launched across public schools in Oregon in mid April. The goal is to keep public education students learning their material for the school year while they are at home. This means teachers are finding new, creative ways to engage their students remotely.

Inquiry-based learning is an approach to learning that emphasizes the student’s role in the learning process. Rather than the teacher telling students what they need to know, students are encouraged to explore the material, ask questions, and share ideas.


Transcript has been edited for clarity and length

Rafael Otto: (00:08)
This is the Early Link podcast. I’m Rafael Otto. With schools closed and students and teachers working to stay connected and learning online. I wanted to talk with a teacher about what that experience is like. Janice Lewis joins us today on the Early Link podcast. She is a veteran teacher at Vose elementary in the Beaverton school district. Welcome Janice.

Janice Lewis: (00:28)
Thank you. Thank you for having me.

Rafael Otto: (00:30)
Glad you could join us today and for our listeners this episode will air on Mother’s Day. So Janice, I just wanted to wish you a happy mother’s day. There’s an interesting story about how you came to teaching. Tell us about that, how you became a teacher.

Janice Lewis: (00:44)
Well, it’s not a very direct route. I went to college right after graduating from high school but really didn’t have any focus or direction and ended up not finishing school and I got married relatively young. I was 22 and very shortly after that I was able to be a stay at home mom, which is something that I had wanted to do. So it was very fortunate that I was financially able to and that it was something I loved and enjoyed. But as my children were growing up, I could see this end date to that job coming as they would leave home. And I had found mothering to be a very, very purposeful and fulfilling activity and I wanted to continue having purpose in my life. So I went back to school and I got a bachelor of science in human development and also a minor in social work.

Janice Lewis: (01:33)
And in my social work classes I found that I was very, very drawn to families living in poverty and in particular children who live in poverty. I read a lot of books during that time by Jonathan Kozol who you might be familiar with. He writes beautiful, beautiful stories of children living in poverty that just really tug at your heart. And so I thought that I would work for a little while and then go on to become a social worker, get a Masters in social work. I took a job with Head Start because then in that type of job you work with children and with families. But once I got into the job, I found that I fell in love with the teaching part of it more than the interaction with the families. So I eventually went back and got a Masters in teaching and an ESL endorsement and decided that I would instead have a career in teaching and I set a goal of working with children who live in poverty through an elementary school experience. And so I have spent my whole teaching career working primarily with immigrant families and families who live in poverty.

Rafael Otto: (02:41)
You’ve been a preschool teacher now for a number of years? Correct. Did you teach elementary grades as well?

Janice Lewis: (02:47)
Yes, I had five years as a Head Start teacher. After I got hired in the Beaverton school district, I had one year as an ESL teacher and found very quickly that I really didn’t care for that because I didn’t have that classroom bonding kind of experience that you have when you’re a classroom teacher. So I was very fortunate that the following year, a first grade job opened up and I taught first grade for a number of years and loved it. And then I’m just back into Pre-K again the last three years. When that opportunity came up I thought, wouldn’t it be a nice way to end my teaching career? Going back to something that I loved a long time ago.

Rafael Otto: (03:31)
Tell me about the number of preschool classrooms that are available in Beaverton.

Janice Lewis: (03:40)
There are seven currently. Each site has a morning and an afternoon class. So it’s growing, but it’s still very, very small percentage of the number of four-year-olds in our district who are able to get that high quality preschool experience.

Rafael Otto: (04:08)
How does the preschool stay connected to what’s happening in the elementary grades?

Janice Lewis: (04:13)
Well that varies from school to school. At Vose I am in the best possible situation. I have an excellent principal, Monique Singleton and an excellent vice-principal, Melissa Holz who both absolutely understand and support the value of early learning. So they have fostered a lot of connection between pre-K and the upper grades. For instance, featuring what we’re doing at staff meetings, asking upper grade teachers to come in and see what we’re doing and build on the really good things that are happening in pre-K. And this year I’m in the kindergarten wing so I’ve had a lot of opportunity to collaborate with the kindergarten teachers as they are trying to do more of what we’re doing in pre K and it’s been a great experience. I already had a relationship with those kinder teachers because I had taught first grade for so many years and just highly valued. How well prepared the students were when they came to me. So had a good working relationship already. But this year it’s been different because they’re all dabbling into inquiry and it’s just been wonderful to collaborate with them and help them discover what a great way of teaching this is.

Rafael Otto: (05:27)
I’m curious about in the current time as we’re moving digitally and trying to connect and try to keep kids engaged and learning what that’s like as a preschool teacher and what have you come up with for remote learning options for children and is that possible? How is it working?

Janice Lewis: (05:42)
It is possible, of course it’s not the same as having those children with you in the classroom, but it is possible to keep the connection going. So what all of the preschool teachers are doing is we are filming short videos and posting them on a platform called Seesaw and parents can access them at whatever point in the day they want. So that’s different from what a kinder through fifth grade student is experiencing at Vose where there are set times for a class meeting or Zoom small group. I usually load three videos first thing in the morning and then I load another one a little bit later in the day. That’s kind of like a little bonus or an extra and it’s just really incumbent upon me as the teacher to think of things that the children will be drawn to. And fortunately with the weather being the way it is and with it being spring time, there’s just so much to access.

Janice Lewis: (06:41)
I started a garden with the children before school let out. So I am continually going over to the garden and filming what’s happening and posting questions for them. Just as an example, I went to check on the garden last week and we planted only pea seeds, but right in the middle of the garden there’s a little Oak seedling and a little farther down there are some tomato plants growing, neither of which did we plant. The fabulous thing about the Oak seedling is that we have a giant Oak tree on our property and the children are fascinated with that tree and have thought all year long that fairies lived there and they’ve built fairy houses and told stories about it. And so I pose the question, how did these things get into our garden? And of course some children immediately thought that the fairies must be behind this.

Janice Lewis: (07:30)
The children answered back with, with things like, well, some seeds must’ve gotten mixed up at the seed packing factory. So I’m still presenting them with things that they find engaging and I’m posing questions so that they will think and wonder and then they respond to me. So it is possible to find things that will draw them in. And just like in the classroom, I have to provide a variety of learning experiences. So I’ve had building invitations and storytelling invitations and um, mathematical games. So, you know, you just never really quite know exactly what’s going to draw a child in so it has to be a variety of offerings. And overall, it’s a pretty good time of year and a pretty good place to be. Indeed. I had the good fortune of a Robin who decided to nest right outside my front door and that’s been fascinating.

Janice Lewis: (08:24)
So we were doing a little study of nests where I had just have, I love birds nests and I have a big collection of them. And I did a nest making invitation for the children to use mud and sticks and different things to create nests. I was filming a nest that was by my front door and then I started noticing that it was changing every day. And sure enough, our robin was nesting. So about once a day she’ll hop off long enough for me to get a little snapshot or a video of what’s happening. So the children are very interested in that.

Rafael Otto: (08:56)
I can imagine that they would love that.

Janice Lewis: (08:56)
Yes, they do. I’m very thankful that when I discovered that nest starting to change. It was just like the most beautiful gift in the middle of a really awful situation because that was quite a while ago and it was when the pandemic seemed so scary and so grim and yet this beautiful, lovely thing was happening right outside my front door. I just was so thankful for it.

Rafael Otto: (09:29)
That’s wonderful. What other kinds of things are considered developmentally appropriate in terms of children’s learning during this time and are what other kinds of curriculum ideas or are you using or what other standards are you trying to apply?

Janice Lewis: (09:44)
Well, we use a framework called Habits of Mind and I don’t know whether you’re familiar with that, but what we are trying to focus on with children is things like persistence, collaboration, focus skills that they build into their mind, their framework that will serve them as they go into kindergarten and beyond. In addition to that, we also have some more what you would think of as typical school standards, like writing your name, being able to count to ten one to one correspondence, counting, counting to 20 and sequence recognizing numerals and that type of thing. So I’m doing really a balance of inquiry, such as what I referred to with the garden and then more skill work, but still in a way that’s engaging to preschoolers. So for example, this week we’re doing an overall study on texture. So finding texture in things in your home and outside, doing some texture painting with plants. So my name practice activity is writing your name in different textures of substances. So that could be a food substance like flour or salt or rice. But we also always want to offer a non-food substance just because of families living in poverty are often facing food insecurity. So I also showed how you could do that in gravel or in bark chips or in dirt. And so it’s a way to tie into our theme of texture and it’s just a way for them to have a fun, engaging way to practice writing their name.

Rafael Otto: (11:19)
I’m curious if you’re concerned about the amount of time that kids are spending on screens now that they’re interacting with their teachers more often. Are you concerned about that? Do parents have questions about it? What’s happening there?

Janice Lewis: (11:31)
I haven’t had questions from parents, but I am concerned about it and not in terms of what I’m posting because my videos are short. Anywhere from a minute to the longest. One I think was seven minutes, so really no more than a total of maybe 15 minutes of video in a day. And then the things that I’m asking to do often involve going outside and going for a walk and looking for things. So there, I don’t have a concern about that, but I am concerned that potentially children are on a phone or a Chromebook and just doing things like playing games. It’s a long time to be at home and be away from school. And of course parents are working and have many stressors on their mind. So I do think that that is a bit of a concern. Children having too much screen time.

Rafael Otto: (12:21)
Is there any kind of standard or advice that you would give people other than to try to limit?

Janice Lewis: (12:27)
I would certainly try to encourage people to do things other than screen. Like just simply going for a walk. You can get out for a walk and notice things that are growing. You can go out for a walk and close your eyes and listen and see what you hear. You can read beautiful literature. Some of it has to be accessed online because if you don’t have a large library at home, you’re going to rely on YouTube or the library. But even so that’s better than playing a game. It is a reason that a lot of the invitations that I’m creating for the children involve being outside and doing things like the nest making activity that I refer to going around, you know, collecting things that a bird would use. Mixing mud. Um, so definitely things that engage a child and thinking and wondering like we do in the classroom are preferable to being on a screen.

Rafael Otto: (13:19)
As a preschool teacher. I’m curious about the idea of family engagement and what that means to you. And I’m also curious if that has changed over time given the breadth of your experience and in your career. Does it look different now than it used to?

Janice Lewis: (13:34)
Well, it’s definitely different in preschool than it is in first grade. I would say I had virtually very, very little contact with first grade parents. It was at the beginning of the school year and then at conferences. And really that was about it. I knew my students really well, but I really didn’t know their families. So with our preschool model, we do three home visits a year and two conferences and versus a walking school. So I often see parents dropping the children off and picking them up. So there is that engagement. We don’t have a high rate of volunteerism at Vose. And that’s because parents are often working sometimes multiple jobs just to survive. So they don’t often have the luxury of time to be in the classroom. Another silver lining in what’s happening right now is that I am having way more communication with my families than I had when we were in the classrooms.

Janice Lewis: (14:31)
So families are really needing a lot of help. They’re needing encouragement, they’re posting things on Seesaw for me to look at and I always respond, you know, to the child or to the parent and we’re celebrating things more. I got pictures just the other day of a little girl who was having a birthday party and there have been couple of babies born in our classroom and we’re all celebrating that. So I honestly feel that I have more engagement from my families right now and I think that’s a really interesting thing to ponder. What could we do when school resumed and something you know, things to do that would create a stronger bond between the families and the school. I think that that really needs some thinking. Sure.

Rafael Otto: (15:15)
What else are you seeing in terms of what parents and families need most right now during this time, specifically with the COVID-19 pandemic,

Janice Lewis: (15:24)
There are needs that they have that are really concrete. For instance, I need a Chromebook for my child, which our district has provided for anyone who needs it or I can’t log onto my Chromebook. Can you help me with my password? My child doesn’t want to participate. How can you help me? So there are concrete needs, but what I’m hearing oftentimes under the questions and just comes about in a roundabout way that parents need to be encouraged. Right now we are asking a lot of parents and particularly in our community where people are living on the edge anyway. If you’ve lost a job, it’s very, very serious and we are also asking parents to be teachers at home. Even at this preschool level, there has to be a certain involvement with the parents. And so I have found myself messaging parents through Seesaw and just thanking them. Thank you for continuing to make sure your child is learning. Thank you for sending me those pictures of your child’s birthday party. That was so delightful to see and I find myself saying things like, you are such a great mom. You’re doing such a good job, and the response that I get back when I say things like that shows me that these parents are really hungry for that. They need to be encouraged that they are enough. What they’re doing is enough. Their children are going to be okay.

Rafael Otto: (16:49)
It’s interesting that during this time during the pandemic with parents and families having to balance so much that the role of the teacher, the need for skilled teachers is becoming more and more apparent and that there’s just this recognition of the importance of the teacher in children’s lives.

Janice Lewis: (17:07)
Yes. You definitely see that often in very comical ways where you’ll see a funny clip on YouTube about people saying they had no idea what it was like to be a teacher. So I do think maybe, I mean I know that the parents that I’m serving are extremely grateful and thankful. I hear that often from them. So maybe in general as a society maybe there will be a little bit more appreciation for the career of teaching. It’s definitely a hard job, but certainly one of the most rewarding that I think you can have.

Rafael Otto: (17:39)
I hope so. When you think about the idea of a grade level meeting, groups of teachers getting together to think about strategies and how to work with their children, how to make adjustments, how to engage their parents and families. What does that look like at the preschool level and in Beaverton?

Janice Lewis: (17:58)
Well, in Beaverton we have a really strong team. The seven of us who are preschool teachers, even now we still have weekly meetings. So we have a weekly Zoom meeting, but we also have a text thread where we text each other all week long and if someone comes up with a great idea, they’re willing to share it. We have a shared Google drive right now where we are uploading any lessons that could be generalized to another school. So they’re still definitely collaborating. They’re sharing. We have some wonderful TOSAs that help us at the meetings and they’re conveying information from the district information from the state and kind of distilling it down to the pre K level because pre-K is a really very different grade level than even kindergarten, so I still feel as if we have a strong team connection and a lot of support.

Rafael Otto: (18:50)
Have you looked ahead at the fall and thought about what that might look like? I know there have been many different kinds of scenarios. People are talking about possibly staggered openings or restructuring the school day in a different way. Have you thought about that? What does that look?

Janice Lewis: (19:05)
I think there’s a lot to be concerned about. I think primarily what I focus in on is the budget shortfall, it seems apparent that teachers could lose their jobs. There could be large class sizes in Beaverton. There’s a very, very strong initiative right now in early learning to take the inquiry model that we’ve created in pre K and move it up to kindergarten next year. That’s a lot of the work that we’re doing with the Children’s Institute right now and then from kinder to first and so on. I I just have a little concern about that continuing to go forth smoothly. If there are lots of teacher layoffs or if there is a staggered start, I know that our district has a very, very strong commitment to inquiry and I just don’t want to see that momentum start to fail.

Rafael Otto: (19:58)
Janice, you’re referring to the Early School Success program, which is a Children’s Institute program. Part of what that program is designed to do is connect preschool to the elementary grades. I’m curious, when you talk about that inquiry approach, what does it take to scale that up and embed that into kindergarten, first grade and beyond?

Janice Lewis: (20:20)
Well, fortunately we have some really, really smart, passionate people in our district who are already working on that. And I was just on a Zoom alignment team meeting where we got to peek a little bit at some proposed kindergarten schedules, some supports that are going to be put into place for teachers to access who have never taught in an inquiry model. Often kindergarten teachers want more child-directed learning. They want to see joy and learning, they want to see more play, but their question is always, how do I do that? What does that look like? Where will I get the supplies? So the alignment team that I’ve been a part of this year has been working on that for a year and their proposed schedule that we saw yesterday allows a large block of time for inquiry for children. So very child-directed learning. And I think that not only is that just a beautiful developmentally appropriate way for children to learn, but I think it’s going to be very necessary for this group of children who come back to school hopefully in the fall because many of them are experiencing trauma right now. They’re going to be hungry for places that feel safe and where they feel competent and where they feel valued and where they can build community and inquiry is the perfect platform for all of that.

Rafael Otto: (21:45)
I know that children may be experiencing trauma [from the pandemic] though they might not able to express it. It seems like it may take some time for us to understand the full impact of this on our kids. Do you agree?

Janice Lewis: (21:57)
I absolutely do agree and my husband and I have talked about that a little bit. Children are resilient thankfully, but I do think that we will see some impact on children. I certainly know that I am seeing that in some of the children that I can think of. In my preschool class where I had a mom I was messaging with that her daughter really isn’t responding to any of the invitations and I just offered, is there any way that I can help you? And she said to me, she just says she doesn’t want to do it. She misses her teacher, she misses her friends, and she wants to know, when can I go back to school? This is very big information for a preschooler to process. They don’t really have the ability to understand why this has all come to an end, this wonderful, safe, engaging place that they got to go to several days a week. I had another little boy who wouldn’t come and join in the Zoom meeting and his mom was reporting to me that he’s having temper tantrums and meltdowns and that just was not the personality that we saw at all in the classroom. And so it’s definitely impacting children.

Rafael Otto: (23:02)
Do I have this correct? This is your last year you’re about to retire?

Janice Lewis: (23:06)
Yes. Retiring from teaching. Hopefully not retiring from the work of early childhood. I’m hoping there will be a way to stay involved in the work.

Rafael Otto: (23:14)
Looking back, what would you have done differently knowing what you know now?

Janice Lewis: (23:22)
I’m thinking of when I taught first grade and if I could go back with the knowledge that I have right now, I would do much less hand-wringing and have hopefully much less anxiety about getting every child to benchmark in every subject. There is so much pressure on teachers for every child to succeed and yet children are all individuals. They’re all on their own learning continuum. And I would do more celebrating any milestone that a child made. And one of the beauties of being back in preschool is that ability to look at every child as an individual. And maybe there’s a child who’s an amazing builder and another who’s an amazing artist and you know, a child who’s already reading there, they’re just all over the continuum of learning. And I think it’s unrealistic, particularly in first grade to think that every child will get to benchmark in every subject. And I would love to be able to go back and have done more celebrating whatever milestones any particular child made.

Rafael Otto: (24:29)
Thinking about education and opportunity. And you have a lot of experience working with families living in poverty. And dual language learners. What is your hope for Oregon and what do you feel like, what’s in your view should our priorities be as a state?

Janice Lewis: (24:44)
Well, my hope always for every child is that every single year they have a teacher who is passionately committed to them as an individual and committed to them to their success. And I do think that the inquiry model that we’re building in Beaverton is a really appropriate model for young children. I would love to see that grow in our district. I would love to see that grow go nationwide. I think the idea of children, particularly kindergartners or first graders spending long periods of time sitting at a desk is just not the best way for children to learn. One of the discussions that we had with Children’s Institute was about the fact that children of poverty are often tracked into skill programs where they are focused on learning those hard skills but not learning the skills of inquiry. And to me that just seems absolutely backward. I think that they should have the same opportunities as a child who comes from a higher socioeconomic home. The things that they maybe are not able to have outside of the classroom because their families can’t provide them. I think it’s incumbent upon schools to provide that for the child in the classroom.

Rafael Otto: (26:02)
Janice, I couldn’t agree with you more on that. I wanted to thank you for your time and I appreciate you coming on the Early Link podcast today.

Janice Lewis: (26:10)
Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me and thank you for the wonderful work that the children’s Institute is doing. It’s been such a pleasure to work with CI.

Rafael Otto: (26:18)
It’s great to hear that. Thank you Janice