Advancing Birth-to-Third-Grade Success

Advancing Birth-to-Third-Grade Success

Advancing Birth-to-Third-Grade SuccessThe Ready for School Leaders’ Panel and the Children’s Institute are poised to make a significant impact for Oregon’s youngest and most vulnerable children in the 2015 Legislative Session. Advancing Birth-to-Third-Grade Success, our 2015 policy brief, makes the case for the critical investments and policy changes in 2015 that are strongly supported by research and support on-track health and development, kindergarten readiness, and third-grade success.

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Parents as Partners: Engaging Families in Schools

Parents as Partners: Engaging Families in Schools

Through the Early Works initiative, the Children’s Institute has partnered with two Oregon elementary schools – Earl Boyles in Southeast Portland and Yoncalla in Southern Oregon. Family engagement is a core Early Works strategy. This video details the experiences of two families who have been impacted, and was revealed at the Children’s Institute’s 7th annual Make It Your Business luncheon.