Waverly Elementary’s innovative preschool program: Engaging kids with best practices

In this episode, we talk to lead teacher Katy Allaback and assistant teacher Carlos Sanchez about Waverly Elementary School in Albany, where an innovative preschool was built from the ground up.

This is part two in our podcast about Waverly’s preschool. Listen to the first installment here.


Segment Highlights

1:00 “They need to see their own self-efficacy. They need to know that they can actually do many things on their own and we absolutely believe in their capability,” Albach says.

2:00 Carlos discusses teaching in English and Spanish.

3:00 Katy discusses visiting each family in the home before the school year started and why that was an important first step.

6:15 “We notice behaviors change,” Sanchez says. “They like that constant routine … and what we see is they become more independent.”


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