Children’s Institute is thrilled to honor Julie Young as this year’s recipient of the Alexander Award for her dedication and commitment to ensuring that young children in Oregon have the love, education, and care they need.
The award was announced at CI’s Champions for Children event on December 1, 2022.
Julie was on Children’s Institute’s Board of Directors from 2008-2022 and has been a tireless early childhood advocate for decades. She has been integral in supporting and advancing early childhood policies in Oregon.
Julie is a retired social worker with clinical experience at a community mental health center, where she was a therapist. She has been a lifelong champion for young children and families, with a special focus on early childhood issues, children’s mental health, and education.
“Julie Young has been a persistent, tireless advocate for the needs of young children,” said Nan Waller, a former CI Board member.
“She is also one of the most gracious, compassionate people that I know. Her combination of grace and grit have proven to be a powerful force in improving the lives of children,” Waller said.
We want to express our endless gratitude to Julie, whose passion and tireless commitment to children and families is evident every day. Her endless commitment to children and families has been instrumental in making Oregon the best place to be a kid.

More about the Alexander Award
The Alexander Award is named for prominent Oregon leader Dick Alexander and was first awarded by Children’s Institute to Governor John Kitzhaber in 2013 for his work building Oregon’s early childhood system. Since then, the award has recognized individual leaders such as Ken Thrasher and Sue Miller and communities like Wallowa County for significant work to improve the lives of young children. Beyond honoring individual leaders and communities, the Alexander Award calls attention to the need for business and civic leaders to work together to build a system of programs and services to support children’s healthy development and school readiness in order to ensure Oregon’s future success.