Children's Institute


(503) 219.9034


Early Childhood Tools & Resources

Early Childhood Coalition Priorities

These downloadable resources include details about early childhood programs and services, investments in child care facilities, policy option packages, and more.   

2024 Legislative Agenda (English)

Agenda Legislativa 2024 (Español)

Oregon’s Early Childhood Programs Explained

Early Childhood Facilities Investments

For Advocates

Resources for advocates/Recursos para defensores

Comparte su historía | Una guía para abogacía

Share Your Story | A Guide for Advocacy

For Policymakers

With strong leadership, we can move toward a child-centered early learning and care system that prioritizes every child’s diverse strengths and needs, starting at birth. We need leaders to commit to building an equitable childhood system that works for all Oregon kids, so young children, families, and communities can thrive.

Legislative Agendas

See our priorities from previous legislative sessions.

Latest on Policy from Children’s Institute

Quote graphic with a blue background
Short and Sweet: Oregon’s 2024 Legislative Session

Short and Sweet: Oregon’s 2024 Legislative Session

As the Oregon 2024 Legislative Session ended this year, the Policy and Advocacy team at CI let out a deep breath of gratitude, relief, and excitement for the year ahead. Short sessions often prove frustrating for what can be accomplished, but this year built on the chaotic momentum of 2023’s session, clearing the path for early childhood advocates to make great strides forward.

Full room photo of the Oregon Early Childhood Summit, hosted by PSU
The Oregon Early Childhood Summit

The Oregon Early Childhood Summit

Held on Friday, March 22 at Portland State University, the Oregon Early Childhood Summit brought together early childhood professionals from across the state and across sectors to collectively envision a better future for children’s social-emotional health. The event was produced by Children's Institute and Trauma Informed Oregon.

This image features our podcast guest Liane, who has short grey brown hair and is wearing a black and white checked shirt while sitting in front of the mic to record
Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms Support All Children

Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms Support All Children

The CI Communications team sits down with Liane Chappell, principal at the Hillsboro Early Childhood Center in Hillsboro, Oregon, to talk about Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education. The goal of the Early Childhood Center is to serve kids who have delays and disabilities, and to help them make progress in the areas where they need support. As the 2024 legislative session continues, we want to emphasize the importance of Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education opportunities for children across Oregon.