Advocate for Children in Oregon


by Melissa Duclos



Learn more about the programs and services in Oregon that support young children and families: home visiting, child care, early intervention, early childhood special education, and preschool.

Parenting is hard work, especially with young children. Fortunately, Oregon has great services and programs for families.

These include home visiting, child care, early intervention, early childhood special education, and preschool.

Home visiting improves child health and development, parental confidence, and school readiness. And it reduces maternal depression, child abuse, and low-weight births.

Today, home visiting reaches only 1 in 5 eligible families. What if every family who wanted these services could access them?

Oregon also helps many working families access quality child care by providing subsidies or, in some cases, paying for the full cost.

But many working families don’t have access to child care because there aren’t enough providers or it’s just too expensive. What if we could help more parents?     

Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education services support children with developmental delays and disabilities.

They help kids build skills and get ready for school.

But only 1 in 50 kids with high needs get the EI/ECSE supports they need. Where does that leave the rest?

Children who attend high-quality preschool are better prepared for kindergarten and more likely to graduate high school.

And the benefits of preschool last. Adults who attended preschool have better job prospects and better health.

30,000 children in Oregon could benefit from high-quality preschool. Imagine if all of them had that opportunity.   

From birth to age 5, kids grow and develop at an astonishing rate, and they need loving, nurturing environments and relationships.

Parenting young children is challenging, but together we can work to make it easier.   

Join Children’s Institute in advocating to expand home visiting, early intervention, early childhood special education, child care, and preschool so more kids and families have access to these proven supports and services.

You can make a difference.

And we need your voice.


Advocate for Children in Oregon

Learn more about our 2019 Policy Recommendations to support young children and families in Oregon and join our movement to let lawmakers know: Early Childhood Matters!


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