x-old-Welcome to the Change Library
This Change Library is a collection of real examples from teams who have created a process to address a problem, and it’s intended to inspire your team and spark ideas for changes in your own context.
The Change Library is organized by five important areas of early learning:
Culturally Responsive/Anti-Bias Education
Inclusion of Children with Disabilities
When we work with teams of educators who have tested an idea, we ask them to reflect on whether the idea should be adopted, adapted, or abandoned. If the change idea worked and is ready to be scaled, it should be adopted. If the change idea was promising, but needs modification, or will need adjustment in new contexts, it should be adapted. If a change idea flopped, as sometimes happens, this is critical learning! The team should abandon the change idea, after reflecting o n the conditions that led to the flop.
The change ideas collected in this library came from partner schools and culturally specific organizations across Oregon. They’re informed by early learning research and promising practices. The Change Library will be continuously improved and adapted in the future with additional change idea entries. We hope future entries come from your team!
How to Use the Change Library
In the Improvement Guide, we covered how to organize and build your team, orient your team to a problem of practice, gain empathy for the children and families you’re serving, and go through the process of designing a change idea.
As you review changes in the Library, your team may adopt, adapt, or abandon what you find. Change Library ideas can also inspire entirely new change ideas. We hope you come away with some fresh ideas and that you let us know what worked, for whom, and under what conditions so we can spread the learning!
Change ideas are real examples from partner schools and culturally specific organizations across Oregon. They are informed by early learning research and promising practices. Explore these change ideas in social emotional learning, language & literacy, purposeful play & inquiry, inclusion of children with disabilities, culturally responsive/anti-bias education, and STEAM.