Preschool Promise: High-Quality Preschool for More Oregon Kids

Preschool Promise

by Claire Burdick



Preschool PromisePassed by the 2015 Legislature, we are excited that Preschool Promise will begin serving 1,300 children from low-income families in September. The program opens the door to diverse high-quality preschool providers and gives families the opportunity to choose the setting that best meets their needs.

This investment is an important first step, but there is more work to be done. More than 32,000 low-income children in Oregon still don’t have access to high-quality preschool, and effective implementation of Preschool Promise will require collaboration and support for providers. It is our hope that this brief provides insight about how to reap the benefits of Preschool Promise.

We also hope it inspires leaders and partners who share our vision of giving more children a strong start in life to join us in calling for ongoing investment in Preschool Promise.
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