Implementing the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in Oregon

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) signed into law by President Obama on December 10, 2015, replaced the No Child Left Behind Act. The goal of ESSA is to help states develop cohesive plans to ensure children are prepared for college and professional success. To that end, ESSA recognized early childhood education as the foundation for all later academic experiences. For children to be ready for college, they must have rich learning experiences at the earliest opportunity.

The process of growing curious, engaged, and capable lifelong learners begins long before elementary school. Research clearly points to the importance of early learning experiences for optimal brain development in children from birth to age five. Learn more about brain development and early learning.

Implementing the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in OregonAdvancing high-quality early learning opportunities with ESSA

ESSA has provided states with opportunities to strengthen their early learning systems and realize their goals for high-quality preschool. As part of the law, states are required to develop an ESSA implementation plan that addresses early learning as a fundamental component of education.

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) has written a draft ESSA implementation plan and is seeking public comment on the plan until Monday, January 16, 2017. ODE’s draft framework for implementation does not include any explicit strategies to support early learning. As a member of the ESSA advisory committee, Children’s Institute knows that any plan to improve and strengthen education for Oregon’s children must include a plan for high-quality early learning. The legislation makes clear that early education must be aligned with the K-12 education system to reach the goals of career and college readiness.

Oregon has one of the worst graduation rates in the country and we know the causes of low high school graduation rates do not begin in high school. The first eight years of life, when children experience their most profound growth cognitively, socially, and emotionally, are critical to lifelong development. At-risk children who do not access high-quality early education are 25 percent more likely to drop out of school, 50 percent more likely to need special education intervention, and 60 percent less likely to attend college.

Upon entering kindergarten, 37 percent of Oregon children could not identify a single letter and 25 percent lacked critical self-regulation skills, a key predictor of later success. When compared to many other states, Oregon has invested little in the critical years from birth to eight years-old. Oregon ranks in the bottom quarter of states nationwide for access to state funded preschool, enrolling only eight percent of all three and four year-olds, regardless of income. Moreover, only six percent of eligible children ages birth to three years-old are enrolled in Early Head Start, and only 50 percent of eligible children ages three to five are enrolled in Oregon Pre-Kindergarten/Head Start.

Implementing the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in OregonOregon must seize the opportunity to expand high-quality early learning

With all that is at stake for Oregon’s children, Oregon’s ESSA implementation plan should focus on closing achievement and opportunity gaps and increasing access to high-quality early learning.

To ensure that Oregon’s implementation plan reflects the importance of early learning, you can offer the following responses to questions 9, 13, 14, 19 and 21 in the draft ESSA implementation survey:

  • Commit to supporting formative assessments that are useful for teachers to improve teaching, especially in Kindergarten through 2nd grade. (Q. 9)
  • Incorporate measures for early learning and health into needs assessment for Title I funded schools with Schoolwide Program Plans.
  • Report early learning and health indicators in school report cards and ensure all report card measures have data disaggregated by race/ethnicity, special education, and English Language Learners. (Q. 13)
  • Ensure school report cards help parents easily understand how their local schools are doing and that school ratings place increased importance on the outcomes for children of color, children in special education, and English Language Learners. (Q. 14)
  • Prioritize preparing more diverse teachers across preschool through 12th grade utilizing scholarships, peer mentors, alternative scheduling for college coursework, and improved content and practical experience in teacher preparation programs for working with diverse learners. (Q. 19)
  • Support the 50+ school districts currently running preschool by providing guidance on how to provide high quality preschool, train school leaders in best practices in early childhood, and fund shared professional development between preschool and kindergarten teachers. (Q. 21)

You can also provide your input on the early learning aspects and the entirety of Oregon’s ESSA implementation. Thank you.

Related content

Every Student Succeeds Act

Integrating Early Education into State ESSA Plans

The Difference Between ESSA and NCLB

Opportunities in ESSA for Improving Early Education

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Early Childhood Advocates Testify to Protect Home Visiting Programs

Early Childhood Advocates Testify to Protect Home Visiting Programs

For Immediate Release

Children's InstituteDecember 12, 2016

Contact: Danielle Pacifico-Cogan, Director of Communications, 503.219.9034

Download this press release


A coalition of parents, early childhood advocates, and elected officials will testify today at the House Education Committee on protecting Oregon’s vital voluntary home visiting program. High-quality home visiting helps foster safe and supportive home environments for Oregon’s most vulnerable children. Currently, less than 20 percent of eligible families have access to voluntary home visiting services.

Research shows that high-quality, evidence-based home visiting programs work. Children whose families participate in voluntary home visiting experience better health outcomes, are less likely to suffer abuse or neglect, and are more prepared for kindergarten. Home visiting services also improve family stability by connecting parents to critical employment, education, housing, and other supports. “We broke the cycle. We’re not raising our kids the way we or our parents were raised. And a big part of that has been having a home visitor come to our house every week,” said parent Willy Johnson of Hillsboro.

The cost of not investing wisely in young children is continued abysmal graduation rates, rising costs for K-12 education and social services, and the squandered potential of thousands of Oregon’s children. Low-income children in rural and urban settings and children of color are least likely to get the early learning and developmental support all children need. That’s why strategic proven investments in early childhood development are crucial.

“We strongly encourage state legislators to protect and increase wise investments in early childhood education and healthy development,” said Marion County District Attorney Walt Beglau. Oregon’s most vulnerable children benefit from high-quality early childhood programs and services. We call on state lawmakers to continue to prioritize these proven, cost-effective, and high impact investments.


Children’s Institute is one of Oregon’s leading voices for increased public investment in high-quality early childhood education and healthy development, the most effective strategies to improve long-term outcomes for children.

Children First for Oregon works to improve the lives of Oregon’s children by galvanizing public support and informing decision makers about what kids need to thrive. Children First has been Oregon’s voice for kids for 25 years.

Fight Crime: Invest in Kids is a national nonpartisan anti-crime organization made up of over 140 Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, Prosecutors, Attorney Generals, crime survivors and other law enforcement leaders in Oregon and over 5,000 nationally, who promote greater investments in programs proven to direct kids to a better path in life, leading them away from crime towards success.

Early Childhood Advocates Testify to Protect Home Visiting Programs

Governor Brown’s Budget Must Protect and Increase Funding for Early Childhood

For Immediate Release

Children's InstituteDecember 1, 2016

Contact: Danielle Pacifico-Cogan, Director of Communications, 503.219.9034

Download this press release


A coalition of parents, early childhood advocates, and elected officials will testify today at the House Education Committee on protecting Oregon’s vital voluntary home visiting program. High-quality home visiting helps foster safe and supportive home environments for Oregon’s most vulnerable children. Currently, less than 20 percent of eligible families have access to voluntary home visiting services.

Research shows that high-quality, evidence-based home visiting programs work. Children whose families participate in voluntary home visiting experience better health outcomes, are less likely to suffer abuse or neglect, and are more prepared for kindergarten. Home visiting services also improve family stability by connecting parents to critical employment, education, housing, and other supports. “We broke the cycle. We’re not raising our kids the way we or our parents were raised. And a big part of that has been having a home visitor come to our house every week,” said parent Willy Johnson of Hillsboro.

The cost of not investing wisely in young children is continued abysmal graduation rates, rising costs for K-12 education and social services, and the squandered potential of thousands of Oregon’s children. Low-income children in rural and urban settings and children of color are least likely to get the early learning and developmental support all children need. That’s why strategic proven investments in early childhood development are crucial.

“We strongly encourage state legislators to protect and increase wise investments in early childhood education and healthy development,” said Marion County District Attorney Walt Beglau. Oregon’s most vulnerable children benefit from high-quality early childhood programs and services. We call on state lawmakers to continue to prioritize these proven, cost-effective, and high impact investments.


Children’s Institute is one of Oregon’s leading voices for increased public investment in high-quality early childhood education and healthy development, the most effective strategies to improve long-term outcomes for children.

Children First for Oregon works to improve the lives of Oregon’s children by galvanizing public support and informing decision makers about what kids need to thrive. Children First has been Oregon’s voice for kids for 25 years.

Fight Crime: Invest in Kids is a national nonpartisan anti-crime organization made up of over 140 Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, Prosecutors, Attorney Generals, crime survivors and other law enforcement leaders in Oregon and over 5,000 nationally, who promote greater investments in programs proven to direct kids to a better path in life, leading them away from crime towards succes