Action Alert: Stop the Budget Cuts to Children’s Education and Health

Action Alert

by Danielle Pacifico-Cogan



Stop the Budget Cuts to Children’s Education and Health

On Monday, April 17, the co-chairs of the state budget writing committee (Ways and Means) released a proposed budget that puts kids at risk. Reductions include:

  • 20 percent cut to Early Learning Hubs and Kindergarten Partnership Fund, $5.3 million cut.
  • 10 percent cut to Healthy Families Oregon of $2.5 million, a reduction of 250 children served.
  • 10 percent cut to Preschool Promise of $3.6 million, a reduction of 130 children served.
  • $20 million cut to Employment Related Day Care, a reduction of 1,000 families served.

Call Your Legislators

Call your state legislators today. Find your state legislator here.

You can use this script to call or email your legislators:

Hello. I am (legislator’s name) constituent. Please maintain full funding for early childhood programs and services that help keep Oregon’s young children healthy and prepares them for school.

I support (choose programs of interest to you): Preschool Promise, Healthy Families Oregon, the Kindergarten Partnership Fund, Early Learning Hubs, Employment Related Day Care and Culturally Specific Early Learning.

We need to find sustainable budget solutions that honor Oregon’s values, not squander our most vulnerable children’s potential.

Thank you.

Read the Proposed Reduction Lists and Response from Early Childhood Advocates

Read the Ways and Means Co-Chairs’ 2017-2019 Target Reduction Lists.

Read the letter early childhood advocates wrote to the Ways and Means Co-Chairs to express their concerns about the proposed reductions to early childhood programs.


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