Children's Institute

We believe that if we choose children, we can change the world

Children’s Institute shapes early childhood policy, secures public investments for early childhood programs and services, and works with school communities to strengthen early learning for children and teaching practices for educators.

Our Work

At Children’s Institute, we work to improve the lives of children from prenatal to grade 5 who experience institutional or systemic barriers to opportunity in Oregon: children from low-income families, children of color, disabled children, dual language learners, and children in rural areas.

Our research, policy and advocacy, learning initiatives, and community partnerships all aim to keep kids healthy and safe and prepare them to be active, engaged learners.

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See what’s happening at Children’s Institute

Oregon families and educators, this is for you!
On behalf of Sarah Pope, Executive Director of Stand for Children Oregon, we invite you to a special screening of The Right to Read documentary at Hollywood Theatre this April.
Following the film, join special guest Kareem Weaver and local leaders for a thought-provoking panel discussion on the state of early literacy in Oregon—and how we can take action.
📅 Thursday, April 3, 2025 | 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
📍 Hollywood Theatre, 4122 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, OR
Let’s come together for an evening of learning, conversation, and action to support early literacy in Oregon. We hope to see you there!

RSVP link in bio!
March is Women’s History Month! Women have long been at the heart of early learning and care. Their work has shaped policies, strengthened communities, and ensured families have the support they need.
Women in early childhood have paved the way for progress for young children, including early childhood leaders like Joyce Harris. Harris is a Portland-based educator, Black activist, writer, and mentor (among other things!) who cofounded the Black Education Center in 1970. She has dedicated her life and work to improve the lives of children, youth, and communities in Oregon who have been denied access to equitable and high-quality educational experiences and outcomes. She continues to work on behalf of children and families in Oregon.
At Children’s Institute, we celebrate women who have and continue to shape the future for children and families every day! ✨
Today, Oregon lawmakers will hear testimony on the Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) budget bill (HB 5514). Many of the Early Childhood Coalition’s top priorities are included in this budget:

- Employment Related Day Care (ERDC)
- Child Care Workforce
- Birth to Five Literacy Fund
- Relief Nurseries
- Healthy Families Oregon

Today's hearing is a critical step for these programs and continued advocacy is needed to ensure these investments make it across the finish line. Stay tuned for updates as we track the progress of these essential early learning investments!

#orpol #orleg #earlychildhood #childcare #daycare #birthtofive #literacy
Access to nutritious food is essential for early child development! That's why child care providers, families, and advocates are calling on the Oregon Legislature to choose children by supporting the Child and Adult Care Food Program (HB 3201). 

Today, Children's Institute, early childhood partner @adelantemujeres and our friends at @hunger_free_or testified at a hearing in support of HB 3201, which would ensure that children in child care receive nutritious food, support child care providers, and help communities thrive. 

Learn more at the link in bio!

#orpol #orleg #foodaccess #childcare

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Tune in to The Early Link Podcast

The Early Link Podcast highlights national, regional, and local voices working in early childhood education and the nonprofit sector. The podcast is written, hosted, and produced by Rafael Otto, Children’s Institute’s director of communications.


Subscribe to The Early Link Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Tune In, and Amazon.

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