Change Idea:
We tried increasing purposeful conversation in a variety of ways based on developmental stage and grade level. In PK, children turned to a buddy after story time to discuss a question. The buddy reported what they heard in pairs to the class. In first grade, children discussed a meaningful question about the story, at first with modeling and the use of sentence stems. In Title I reading, partners personalized a decoded word, giving a definition and example.
We hoped this change would help students stay on topic, increase their vocabulary, and make deeper meaning of the story. We learned that children need support at first, with gradual release of responsibility. Spring was a good time of year to try this, as it was similar to job expectations they had already learned. Taking notes on student engagement and videotaping them helped.
Over the course of four weeks, children learned the new routines, became more independent and on topic, and increased their vocabulary. Students were more engaged and connected to each other.
Status of the Change Idea: Adapted, Adopted, or Abandoned?
We are adopting this and adapting it during different times of the school day.